I missed the hop last week, but I'm getting back on track and look forward to finding some new book blogs. The Friday Blog Hop is hosted each week by Crazy For Books. It's a good way to find other bloggers who share your taste in books and to get some good recommendations.
This week we've been asked to talk about the book we're currently reading. I'm about half way through "The House At Riverton" by Kate Morton. I think I like it. I should know by now but I don't. I like the writing and the structure of the story, but I haven't found a character that I can really feel yet. It's a pretty good story, I just don't quite see the point right now. Hopefully it will all come clear to me soon.
If you've arrived here from the hop, do leave a comment so I can return the visit and if you haven't, then stop by Crazy For Books and check it out. Thanks for stopping by!